On November 29, 2022 Dr Anna Matysek from the University of Silesia in Katowice delivered the lecture Personal information management systems as the way to cope with information overload.

The lecture was attended by Dr Barbara Budyńska, President of the Polish Librarians' Association, who welcomed the participants representing different types of libraries.

Dr Anna Matysek began with presentation of reasons and consequences of information overload and information redundancy. She also characterized the diseases resulting from overload, and the ways to reduce it. A large part of the lecture was devoted to methods of time management and personal information management. The other part was a presentation of digital tools to cope with overload. Concluding, the Speaker emphasized the importance of the awareness of the phenomenon of information overload, the competence of individual (and others) time management, and development of individual system of personal information management.

The Q&A session included questions about how to raise awareness and help people who are addicted to the Internet.